


[email protected]

  • 职 务:博士生导师
  • 所在梯队:科学工程计算与动力系统
  • 办公地点:化生楼425
  • 本科生课程:数学物理方法
  • 研究生课程:渐近分析方法、数学物理方法
  • 研究领域:晶体生长动力学;金属纳微晶材料理论


2005.09-2009.06 电竞博彩网材料科学与工程学院学习, 材料加工工程专业,研究方向: 界面形态形成理论, 获工学博士学位
1988.09-1991.03 电竞博彩网应用科学学院学习, 应用数学专业, 研究方向:数学物理中的渐近方法及其应用, 获理学硕士学位
1978.09-1982.07 山东曲阜师范学院数学系数学专业本科毕业, 获理学学士学位


2011.07-至今 电竞博彩网, dota2博彩 应用数学系, 教授
2011.10-2012.03 加拿大McGill大学, 数学与统计系, 高访学者
1997.07-2011.06 电竞博彩网, dota2博彩 应用数学系, 副教授
1991.03-1997.06 电竞博彩网, 应用科学学院数学力学系, 讲师


1. C. M. Yang, M. W. Chen, G. J. Zheng, M. L. Zhang, Z. D. Wang, Micro/nanoparticle melting in an alloy melt with anisotropic surface energy, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Vol. 24(2022), 132 (1–16).
2. G. J. Zheng, M. W. Chen, C. M. Yang, N. Liu. Effect of anisotropic interface kinetics on morphological pattern of a particle in an undercooled melt. Chinese Journal of Physics, Vol. 78 (2022) 155–168.
3. G. J. Zheng, M. W. Chen, C. M. Yang, N. Liu, Z. D. Wang, Orientation selection of particles growing in an undercooled melt, Chinese Journal of Physics, Vol. 77 (2022), 10–23.
4. N. Liu, M. W. Chen, G. J. Zheng, Z. D. Wang, The dynamics of growth of a particle in Al-Li alloy melt, Metals, 2022, Vol. 12.
5. M. W. Chen, Jinhui Zhao, Yan Chen, G. J. Zheng, Z. D. Wang, Effect of the shear flow on the morphological pattern of particles in an undercooled melt, Metals, 2022, Vol. 12.
6. M. W. Chen, J. X. Jiang, L. Y. Li, Z. D. Wang, Effect of the shear flow on columnar crystal growth in an undercooled melt, Metals, 2022, Vol. 12.
7. J. W. Qin, X. H. Chen, Y. L. Wang, Y. Zh. Zhu, S. W. Pan, W. Zhou, M. W. Chen, Z. D. Wang, Fabrication Techniques and the Formation Mechanism of Nanoparticles and Nanoclusters in Metal Materials, Metals, 2022, Vol. 12.
8. M. W. Chen, C. M. Yang, G. J. Zheng, B. Wang, Cailin Shi, P. Qian, X. H. Chen, Z. D. Wang, The stability of dendritic growth in a binary alloy melt with buoyancy effect, Modern Physics Letters B, Vol.35, No.19 (2021), 2150203.
9. C. M. Yang, M. W. Chen, G. J. Zheng, Z. D. Wang, Melting of micro/nanoparticles considering anisotropy of surface, Scientific Reports, Vol. 29 (2021), 19297.
10. G. J. Zheng, M. W. Chen, Effect of oscillatory flow on columnar crystal growth in undercooled melt, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 130 (2021), 12.
11. H. L. Fan, M. W. Chen, Effect of straining flow on growth of columnar crystal in ternary undercooled melt, Acta Phys. Sin., Vol. 69, No. 11 (2020) 116401.
12. H. L. Fan, M. W. Chen, Effect of magnetic field on stability in mushy layer during binary alloy solidification, Acta Phys. Sin., Vol. 70, No. 6 (2021) 066401.
13. H. L. Fan, M. W. Chen, Y. Y. Shan, Effect of far-field flow on the growth of Columnar crystal in ternary Undercooled melt, Surface Review and Letters, Vol. 27, No. 07 (2020), 1950170.
14. M. W. Chen, W. N. Liu, Z. D. Wang, The asymptotic solution for the particle growth in the undercooled melt driven by a straining flow, Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 33, No. 32(2019), 1950398.
15. X. H. Xu, M. W. Chen. The effect of anisotropic surface tension on the lamellar eutectic growth in directional solidification. Surface Review and Letters. Vol. 26, No. 07 (2019), 1850216.
16. Ming-Wen Chen, Yongxin Wang, Huimin Guo, The effect of anisotropic surface tension on interfacial evolution of a particle in the binary alloy melt, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 510 (2019) 32–39.
17. X. H. Xu, M. W. Chen. The rod eutectic growth under rapid solidification conditions. International Journal of Thin Films Science and Technology, 2018, Vol. 7(1), 35–42.
18. T. Wang, X. H. Chen, X. Luo, H. Jiang, M. W. Chen, Z. D. Wang, Formation of Si nanoparticle in Al matrix for Al-7wt.%Si alloy during complex shear flow casting, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 739 (2018) 30–34.
19. 徐小花, 陈明文, 王自东. 各向异性表面张力对定向凝固中共晶生长形态稳定性的影响. 物理学报, 2018, Vol. 67, 118103.
20. X. H. Xu, M. W. Chen. Stability and selection of lamellar eutectic growth with anisotropic surface tension, Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 32, No. 21(2018), 1850245.
21. Ming-Wen Chen, Lin-Yan Li, and Hui-Min Guo, The dynamics of nucleation and growth of a particle in the ternary alloy melt with anisotropic surface tension, The Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 147 (2017), 084707.
22. M. W. Chen, X. H. Xu, B. Wang, The morphological stability of dendritic growth from the binary alloy melt with an external flow, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol.42 (2017), 382–400.
23. M. W. Chen, J. X. Mi, Z. D. Wang, The effect of oscillatory flow on nucleation and grain growth in the undercooled melt, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol.468 (2017), 32–37.
24. 蒋晗, 陈明文, 王涛, 王自东, 各向异性界面动力学与各向异性表面张力的相互作用对定向凝固过程中深胞晶生长的影响, 物理学报, Vol. 66 (10) (2017) 106801.
25. 王小慧, 陈明文, 王自东, 溶液中球形晶体溶解的分析, 物理学报, Vol. 65, No. 3 (2016) 038701.
26. 徐小花, 陈明文, 王自东, 弱熔体对流对定向凝固中棒状共晶生长的影响, 物理学报, Vol.65, No. 13 (2016) 136401.
27. Jingjing Gao, Mingwen Chen, Zidong Wang, Shape evolution of a spherical particle growing in supersaturated solution affected by straining flows, Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 30(2016), 1650059.
28. Bai Xueke, Chen Mingwen, Wang Zidong, Effect of anisotropic interface kinetics on the interface morphology of spherical crystal, 2016 Eighth International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, IEEE, DOI 10.1109/ICMTMA.2016.68249, 249–254.
29. 王信峰, 陈明文, 王飞, 非线性界面动力学影响下颗粒增长的界面稳定性, 工程科学学报, Vol.38, no.1(2016), 47-53.
30. 杨振超, 陈明文, 王艳林, 王自东, 各向异性表面张力对柱晶界面形态的影响, 工程科学学报, 2015, Vol.37, no.10, 1313–1318.
31. Mingwen Chen, Xiumin Liu, Zhenchao Yang, Zidong Wang, The asymptotic solution of particle growth in the convective undercooled melt driven by a biaxial straining flow, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2015, Vol. 31(1), 73–78.
32. Ji Xiaojian, Chen Mingwen, Xu Xiaohua, Wang Zidong, Effect of far-field flow on a columnar crystal in the convective undercooled melt, Chinese Physics B, 2015, Vol.24(1), 016401.
33. Hao Tang, Xiaohua Chen, Mingwen Chen, Longfei Zuo, Bin Hou, Zidong Wang, Microstructure and mechanical property of in-situ nano-particle strengthened ferritic steel by novel internal oxidation, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2014, Vol.609, 293–299.
34. Hao Tang, Xiaohua Chen, Xiang Luo, Mingwen Chen, Zidong Wang, Longfei Zuo, Heterogeneous nucleation effect of in situ nanoparticles on the metal–matrix microstructure, Materials Letters, 2014, Vol.137, 455–459.
35. Mingwen Chen, Xiaojian Ji, Xiaohua Xu, Yahong Zheng, Ping Qian, Zidong Wang, The Effect of the Shear Flow on Particle Growth in the Undercooled Melt, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2014, Vol.401, 116–119.
36. Mingwen Chen, Zidong Wang, Jian-Jun Xu, The effect of anisotropic surface tension on the interface evolution of a particle in the undercooled melt, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2014, Vol.385(4), 115–120.
37. 陈明文, 陈弈臣, 张文龙, 刘秀敏, 王自东, 各向异性表面张力对定向凝固中深胞晶生长的影响, 物理学报, Vols. 63, No. 3(2014), 038101.
38. Chen Mingwen, Wang Bao, Wang Zidong, Effect of buoyancy-driven convection on steady state dendritic growth in a binary alloy, Chinese Physics B, Vol. 22(11) (2013), 116805.
39. Ming-Wen Chen, Xin-Feng Wang, Fei Wang, Guo-Biao Lin, Zi-Zong Wang, The effect of interfacial kinetics on the morphological stability of a spherical particle, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 362 (2013) 20–23.
40. 陈明文, 王轶男, 张 鸿, 王自东, 基于均匀形核的金属液滴凝固过程分析, 电竞博彩网学报, Vol.35, No.6 (2013), 1-6.
41. Ming-Wen Chen, Wen-Long Zhang, Long-Fei Zuo, Bin Hou, and Zi-Dong Wang, Dynamical Mechanism of Formation of Fe Nanoparticles in Tin Bronze Alloys, Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology, Beijing, China, August 5-8, 2013, 590–593.
42. M. W. Chen, Z. D. Wang, Interface evolution of a particle in a supersaturated solution affected by a far-field uniform flow, Chinese Physics B, Vols. 22 (2013), 098104.
43. Ming-Wen Chen, Xiu-Yue Chen, Guo-Wei He, Zi-Dong Wang, The Interfacial Evolution of a Spherical Particle in a Uniaximal Shear Flow, Chinese Physics B, (2012), 106802.
44. Ming-Wen Chen, Han Jiang, Yan-Lin Wang, Qiang-Song Wang, Zi-Dong Wang, The effect of far-field uniform flow on the particle growth in an undercooled alloy melt, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2011, Vol. 318, 145–149.
45. M. W. Chen, Y. L. Wang, H. Zhang, L. Y. Wu, Z. D. Wang, The interface morphology of a spherical crystal in the undercooled melt affected by a far-field uniform flow, Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, Vol. 109, 103517.
46. 陈明文, 倪 锋, 王艳林, 王自东, 谢建新, 界面动力学对过冷熔体中球晶生长界面形态的影响, 物理学报, 2011, Vol. 60, 068103.
47. Chen Mingwen, Wang Xinfeng, Wang Zidong, Xie Jianxin. Dendritic growth from a binary system in an external flow: Steady state solution with zero surface tension, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2008, Vol. 310, 655–664.
48. Chen Mingwen, Lan Man, Yuan lin, Wang Yuyan,Wang Zidong & Xu Jian-Jun, The effect of anisotropic surface tension on the morphological stability of planar interface during directional solidification. Chinese Physics B, 2009, Vol.18(4), 1691–1699.
49. 陈明文, 王自东, 徐鉴君, 在二元合金过冷熔体中枝晶生长在远场来流作用下的稳态解, 中国科学E辑, 2008, Vol.38 (11), 1900 –1911. {Chen Mingwen, Wang Zidong, Xu Jian-Jun, The steady-state solution of dendritic growth from the undercooled binary alloy melt with the far field flow, Science in China E, 2009, Vol.52(8), 2280–2287}.
50. Chen Mingwen, Wang Zidong, Xie Jianxin, Xu Jian-Jun, The effect of far field flow on a spherical crystal growth in the undercooled melt, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2008, Vol.24(6), 681–689.
51. 陈明文, 王自东, 徐鉴君, 球状晶体的形态稳定性和演化, 中国科学E 辑, 2007, Vol.37 (5), 644–659. {Chen Mingwen, Wang Zidong, Xu Jian-Jun. The evolution and morphological stability of a spherical crystal. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2008, Vol. 51 (3), 225–243}.
52. 李向明, 陈明文, 王自东, 在强加来流作用下二元系中枝晶生长的稳态解, 电竞博彩网学报, 2008, Vol. 30, 652–658.
53. Chen Mingwen, Wang Zidong, Yang Wei, Sun Renji, Wang Xinfeng. Temperature distribution in front of the liquid-solid interface in the undercooled pure melt influenced by a transverse far field flow. J. of University of Science and Technology Beijing, 2007, 14(6), 495–500.
54. 陈明文, 王自东, 孙仁济, 远场来流对过冷熔体中球状晶体生长的影响, 物理学报, 2007, Vol.56 (3), 560–565.
55. 陈明文, 王自东, 徐鉴君, 强远场来流对于晶核生长的影响, 中国力学学会50周年学术大会论文集, 北京2007.08.

1. 陈明文, 刘宇, 普通高等教育“十二五”国家级规划教材《数学物理方程》, 机械工业出版社, 北京 2013.
2. 王自东,张勇, 张鸿, 赵九洲, 许庆彦, 陈明文, 李向明, 普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材《非平衡凝固理论与技术》, 机械工业出版社, 北京 2011.05.

1. 陈明文等, 强迫流动对于球晶界面微结构形态的影响(No. 51971031), 国家自然科学基金项目, 2020.01.01–2023.12.31, 负责.
2. 陈明文等, 强迫流动对于球晶界面微结构形态的影响(No. 10972030), 国家自然科学基金项目, 2010.01.01–2012.12.31, 负责.


2021年电竞博彩网“永钢优秀教师奖”;2021年北京市科学技术协会第十届高校科技创新成果展示推介会最具价值奖, 项目名 称: 原位纳米增强增韧金属材料的理论及关键技术, 排名第2 (2/6);2019年中国机械工业科学技术奖(技术发明类)一等奖, 项目名称:原位纳米增强增韧金属材料的理论及关键技术, 排名第9 (9/27);2018年中国产学研合作创新成果奖二等奖,项目名称:原位纳米增强增韧金属材料的研究及应用, 排名第5 (5/9)。



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