


[email protected]

  • 职 务:博士生导师
  • 所在梯队:非线性计算
  • 办公地点:化生楼419
  • 本科生课程:材料力学、工程力学
  • 研究生课程:工程中的有限元方法,非线性有限元
  • 研究领域:多尺度下材料的损伤与断裂分析,特殊有限元方法




dota2博彩-电竞博彩网 应用力学系任教


1. Ruixiao Xue, Xiao Li, Hailei Zhao, Zhanghua Chen, Phase field model coupling with strain gradient plasticity for fracture in lithium-ion battery electrodes, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol 269, 2022, 108518.
2. Xiao Li a , Xiucheng Li, R.D.K. Misra, Zhanghua Chen, Grain size effect on shearing performance of copper foil-A polycrystal plasticity investigation, Mechanics of Materials, Vol 166, 2022, 104212
3. Zhongwen Tao, Xiao Li, Shuai Tao, Zhanghua Chen, Phase-field modeling of 3D fracture in elasto-plastic solids based on the modified GTN theory, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol 260, 2022, 108196.
4. Xiao Li, Zhanghua Chen, Chaofang Dong, Failure and forming quality study of metallic foil blanking with different punch-die clearances, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 115(9), 3163-3176,2021. DOI 10.1007/s00170-021-07400-z, 2021 SCI影响因子3.2
5. Xiao Li, Zhanghua Chen, Chaofang Dong, Size effect on the damage evolution of a modified GTN model under high/low stress triaxiality in meso-scaled plastic deformation, Materials Today Communications 26 (2021) 101782, 2021 SCI影响因子2.678
6. 温玥, 陈章华. 基于各向异性损伤理论的AZ31B镁合金管材热态内压成形性能[J]. 机械工程学报, 2019, 55(18): 70-77
7. S. Wang, Z.H. Chen, C.F. Dong, Tearing Failure of Ultra-Thin Sheet-Metal Involving Size Effect in Blanking Process: Analysis Based on Modified GTN Model,International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Volume 133, 2017, Pages 288-302. (SCI,分区:2区,2016影响因子:2.884)。
8. P.J. Zhao, Z.H. Chen, C.F. Dong, Investigation and prediction of tearing failure during extrusion based on a modified shear damage model,Mechanics of Materials, 2017, 112: 28-39. (SCI,分区:2区,2016影响因子:2.651)。
9. 张博宇,陈章华,基于应变梯度理论和面积坐标有限元的管线钢微观组织尺寸效应研究,机械工程学报,2017, 53(2):74-83, (EI期刊论文)。
10. P.J. Zhao, Z.H. Chen, C.F. Dong, Damage and Failure Analysis of AZ31 Alloy Sheet in Warm Stamping Processes,Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2016, 25(7): 2702-2710. (SCI,分区:4区,2016影响因子:1.09)。
11. P.J. Zhao, Z.H. Chen, C.F. Dong, Experimental and numerical analysis of micromechanical damage for DP600 steel in fine-blanking process,Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2016, 236: 16-25. (SCI,分区:2区,2016影响因子:3.878)。
12. P.J. Zhao a, Z.H. Chen, C.F. Dong, Failure analysis based on microvoids damage model for DP600 steel on in-situ tensile tests, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 154 (2016) 152–168. (SCI,分区:3区,2016影响因子:2.02)。
13. Zhang J, Chen Z H, Dong C F. Simulating Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking in AZ31 Using Three-Dimensional Cohesive Elements for Grain Structure[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2015, 24(12): 4908-4918. (SCI,分区:4区,2016影响因子:1.09)。
14. P.J. Zhao a, Z.H. Chen, C.F. Dong, Failure Analysis of Thermal Stamping of Magnesium Alloy Sheet Based on An Anisotropic Damage Model,Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2014, 23(11):pp4032-4041 (SCI,分区:4区,2016影响因子:1.09)。
15. Xin Weia , Chaofang Donga,⁎ , Pan Yia , Aoni Xua , Zhanghua Chenb , Xiaogang Lia, Electrochemical measurements and atomistic simulations of Cl−-induced passivity breakdown on a Cu2O film, Corrosion Science,Volume 136, 2018, 119-128
16. Xin Wei, Chaofang Dong, Zhanghua Chen, Kui Xiao, Xiaogang Li, Density functional theory study of SO2-adsorbed Ni(1 1 1) andhydroxylated NiO(1 1 1) surface, Applied Surface Science 355 (2015) 429–435
17. 王瑞泽,陈章华等,基于Gurson模型的镁合金板材温热冲压成形研究,电竞博彩网学报, 2014, 36(4), pp 459-466, .( EI期刊论文)。
18. Rui-ze Wang, Zhang-hua Chen, Yu-jie Li, and Chao-fang Dong, Failure Analysis of Warm Forging of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Sheet Based on the Extended GTN Damage Model,International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2013, 20, pp 1198-1207 (SCI,分区:4区,2016影响因子:0.882)。
19. Y. Wen, Z.H. Chen, Y. Zang,Failure Analysis of a Sheet Metal Blanking Process Based on Damage Coupling Model, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2013, 22(11), pp3288-3295. (SCI,分区:4区,2016影响因子:1.09)。
20. 蒋成钢,陈章华,臧勇,镁合金板材温热冲压过程的各向异性损伤与失效分析,机械工程学报, 2013, 49(16):62-69, ( EI期刊论文)。
21. 陈章华,陈磊,纪洪广.基于偏最小二乘法的地应力场拟合.电竞博彩网学报,2013,35(1):1-7, ( EI期刊论文)。
22. 陈章华,李贞德,基于MSG理论的超薄梁弯曲问题的假设应变有限元分析,辽宁工程技术大学学报,2008.
23. 陈章华,余顺利,基于应变梯度理论的假设应变有限元方法,电竞博彩网学报, Vol.29, No.8, 807-810, (2007).
24. 杜文学,陈章华等,预应力索梁结构形成过程分析,电竞博彩网学报, Vol.29, No.7, 676-679, (2007).
25. 郭 瑞,陈章华,班怀国,受拉圆孔两侧裂纹扩展的EFG 动态模拟,辽宁工程技术大学学报,Vol.25, 218-221, (2006).
26. 肖久梅,陈章华等,液体丁氰橡胶及纳米SiO2对环氧树脂的增韧机理,电竞博彩网学报, Vol.27, No.2, 218-221, (2005).
27. Z.H. Chen,C.Y. Tang and T.C. Lee , An investigation of tearing failure in fine-blanking process using coupled thermo-mechanical method, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture,Vol44, 155-165, (2004).
28. Z.H. Chen,J.J. Jing and J.M. Xiao, Numerical simulation of strain localization and damage evolution in large plastic deformation using mixed finite element method, Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing (Mineral, Metallurgy & Materials), Vol1,No3,pp273-277, (2004).
29. Z.H. Chen,C.Y. Tang and T.C. Lee, Simulation of strain localization in metal forming processes using bilinear mixed u/p elements, Journal of Materials Processing Technology ,Vol.147, pp286–291, (2004).
30. Z.H. Chen,L.C. Chan, T.C. Lee and C.Y. Tang An investigation on the formation and propagation of shear band in fine-blanking process, Journal of Materials Processing Technology ,Vol.138, pp610–614, (2003)
31. Z.H. Chen,C.Y. Tang,T.C. Lee and L.C. Chan Numerical simulation of fine-blanking process using a mixed finite element method, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol.44, No.7, pp.1309-1333, (2002).
32. 陈章华 韩明芬 等, 特殊非协调大变形有限元法在金属成型中的数值模拟,电竞博彩网学报, Vol.24, No.4, 436-440,(2002).
33. Z.H. Chen,T.C. Lee and C.Y. Tang, Numerical simulation of a sheet metal extrusion process by using thermal-mechanical coupling EAS FEM, Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing (Mineral, Metallurgy & Materials) (English Edition), Vol.19, pp378-382, (2002)
34. Z.H. Chen,C.Y. Tang,L.C. Chan and T.C. Lee Simulation of the sheet metal extrusion process by the enhanced assumed strain finite element method, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.91, No.1-3, pp.250-256, (2000).
35. Z.H. Chen,C.Y. Tang and T.C. Lee Numerical simulation of non-adiabatic shear banding in metal forming process using finite element method, Key Engineering Materials, Vol.177, pp.553-558, (2000).
36. Z.H. Chen,C.Y. Tang,T.C. Lee and L.C. Chan A study of strain localization in fine-blanking process using large deformation finite element method, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.86, No1-3. pp.163-167, (1999).
37. Z.H. Chen,C.Y. Tang,T.C. Lee and L.C. Chan Large deformation finite element analysis of strain localization in fine-blanking process, Metals and Materials, Vol.4, No.3, pp.529-532 (1998).
38. 徐明秀,陈章华,徐敏强,樊久铭,疲劳过程中磁记忆信号变化的机理,机械工程学报,2014,50(4):53~59
39. Mingxiu XU, Zhanghua CHEN, Minqiang XU, Micro-Mechanism of Signal Variation of Metal Magnetic Memory during Fatigue, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2014, 21(3): 259~265
40. 徐明秀,陈章华,徐敏强,疲劳载荷下的磁记忆信号特征研究,电竞博彩网学报,2013,35(12):1615~1621

1. 科研项目2017044660101,2017
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,吸附对金属钝化膜结构与稳定性影响的计算模拟及实验研究,2017
3. 科技部攻关基金面上项目,高性能膨胀套管产业化技术开发,2013
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,金属的腐蚀与防护,2013
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,周期复合压电材料中电声波传输特性研究,2012,
6. 甘肃靖远煤电股份有限公司急倾斜煤层开采矿压显现规律与控制技术研究,2009,技术开发项目
7. N80油管失效检测2010,技术开发项目
8. 钛合金部件连接船体杯形管节的有限元分析和安全性评估,2013,技术开发项目
9. 钢管运输车辆安全稳定性计算分析和安全性评估,2012,技术开发项目

1. 陈章华,材料力学,机械工业出版社,2017
2. 陈章华,宁晓钧,工程中的有限元分析方法,冶金工业出版社,2013


1. 电竞博彩网校级名师奖,20172. 陈章华,宁晓钧,电竞博彩网第 26届教育教学成果一等奖吗,2014,工程中的有限元分析方法。



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