


[email protected]

  • 所在梯队:半导体物理与器件梯队
  • 办公地点:理化楼129
  • 研究生课程:光谱技术与应用
  • 研究领域:低维半导体材料制备、异质结构构筑及其磁光机电耦合效应半导体光电子阵列、微显示技术与智能传感柔性半导体材料设计、制备与光电子器件应用AlGaN/GaN二维电子气材料设计、高频功率器件与MMIC电路GaN基微电子和光电子功能材料的金属有机化学气相沉积(MOCVD)


至今已在SCI收录杂志上发表论文40余篇,多项创新性成果发表在Advanced Materials、ACS Nano、Nano Energy等国际权威期刊上,申请发明专利13项,授权9项,参加重要国际会议报告6次。


1. M. Z. Peng, et al. Flexible Self-Powered GaN Ultraviolet Photoswitch with Piezo-Phototronic Effect Enhanced On/Off Ratio. ACS NANO, 10, 1572-1579 (2016).
2. M. Z. Peng, et al. High-resolution dynamic pressure sensor array based on piezo-phototronic effect tuned photoluminescence imaging. ACS Nano, 9, 3143-3150 (2015).
3. M. Z. Peng, et al. Magnetic-mechanical-electrical-optical coupling effects in GaN-based LED/rare-earth Terfenol-D structure, Advanced Materials, 26, 6767-6772 (2014).
4. K. Zhang+, M. Z. Peng+(co-first author), et al. A Flexible p-CuO/n-MoS2 Heterojunction Photodetector with Enhanced Photoresponse by Piezo-phototronic Effect. Mater. Horiz. 4, 274-280 (2017).
5. A. H. Zhang+, M. Z. Peng+(co-first author), et al. Piezoelectric and Deformation Potential Effects of Strain-Dependent Luminescence in Semiconductor Quantum Well Structures. Nano Research. 10, 134-144 (2017).
6. X. Q. Shi+, M. Z. Peng+(co-first author), et al. A Flexible GaN Nanowire Array-Based Schottky-Type Visible Light Sensor with Strain-Enhanced Photoresponsivity. Adv. Electron. Mater. 1, 1500169 (2015).
7. C. H. Liu, M. Z. Peng, et al. Interface engineering on p-CuI/n-ZnO heterojunction for enhancing piezoelectric and piezo-phototronic performance. Nano Energy. 26, 417-424 (2016).
8. M. Z. Peng, et al. Effect of pinch-off current leakage characteristics on microwave power performances of AlxGa1-xN/GaN HEMTs. Solid State Electronics, 80, 1-4 (2013).
9. M. Z. Peng, et al. 14.2 W/mm internally-matched AlGaN/GaN HEMT for X-band applications. Solid State Electronics. 64,63-66 (2011).
10. M. Z. Peng, et al. X-band AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with high microwave power performance. Sci China Phys Mech Astron, 54, 442-445 (2011).
11. M. Z. Peng, et al. Post-process thermal treatment for microwave power improvement of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs. Microelectronics Engineering. 87, 2638-2641 (2010).
12. M. Z. Peng, et al. Characteristics of silent B1H mode in AlxGa1-xN alloys observed by Raman scattering. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 473, 473-476 (2009).
13. M. Z. Peng, et al. Reducing dislocations of Al-rich AlGaN by combining AlN buffer and AlN/Al0.8Ga0.2N superlattices. Journal of Crystal Growth. 310, 1088-1092 (2008).
14. M. Z. Peng, et al. Effect of growth temperature of initial AlN buffer on the structural and optical properties of Al-rich AlGaN. Journal of Crystal Growth. 307, 289-293 (2007).



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