- 所在梯队:理论物理
- 本科生课程:大学物理AI 大学物理AII 物理学前沿专题大学物理学习方法2
- 研究领域:主要从事凝聚态理论的研究工作,包括量子磁性、低维体系的量子现象及强关联效应的理论研究
1996. 9-2000.6,北京师范大学物理系,学位;
[1] Jihong Qin, Yu Lan and Shiping Feng, Spin dynamics in the pressure-induced two-leg ladder cuprate superconductor Sr14-xCaxCu24O41, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23, 345701 (2011).
[2] Xiaoling Jian, Jihong Qin and Qiang Gu, Diamagnetism versus paramagnetism in charged spin-1 Bose gases, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23, 026003 (2011).
[3] Xiaoling Jian, Jihong Qin and Qiang Gu, Competition between paramagnetism and diamagnetism in charged Fermi gases, Physics Letters A 374, 2580 (2010).
[4] Chengjun Tao, Peilin Wang, Jihong Qin and Qiang Gu, Thermodynamicproperties of the itinerant-boson ferromagnet, Phys. Rev. B 78, 134403 (2008).
[5] Yu Lan, Jihong Qin, and Shiping Feng, Electronic structure of bilayer cuprate superconductors, Physica B 403, 1032 (2008).
[6] Jihong Qin, Ting Chen, and Shiping Feng, Pressure dependence of superconductivity in doped two-leg ladder cuprates, Physics Letters A 366, 611 (2007).
[7] Yu Lan, Jihong Qin, and Shiping Feng, Doping and temperature dependence of electron spectrum and quasiparticle dispersion in doped bilayer cuprates, Physical Review B 75, 134513 (2007).
[8] Yu Lan, Jihong Qin, and Shiping Feng, Electronic structure of kinetic energy driven superconductors in the presence of bilayer splitting, Physical Review B 76, 014533 (2007).
[9] Yu Lan, Jihong Qin, and Shiping Feng, Electronic structure of doped bilayer cuprates, Physica C 460-462, 985 (2007).
[10] Jihong Qin, Feng Yuan, and Shiping Feng, Superconductivity in doped two-leg ladder cuprates, Physics Letters A 358, 448 (2006).
[11] 秦吉红,徐素芬,冯世平,准一维强关联Zigzag型材料的自旋动力学,物理学报 55,第10期,5511 (2006)。
[12] Jihong Qin, Shiping Feng, Feng Yuan, and Wei Yeu Chen, Thermal conductivity in the doped two-leg ladder antiferromagnet Sr14-xCaxCu24O41, Phys. Lett. A 335, 477 (2005).
[13] Jihong Qin, Shiping Feng, Feng Yuan, and Wei Yeu Chen, Heat transport in hole-doped two-leg ladder antiferromagnet, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 19, Nos. 1-3, 111-114 (2005).
[14] Shiping Feng, Jihong Qin, and Tianxing Ma, A gauge invariant dressed holon and spinon description of the normal state of underdoped cuprates, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 16, 343 (2004).
[15] Feng Yuan, Jihong Qin, Shiping Feng, and Wei Yeu Chen, Charge transport in underdoped bilayer cuprates, Phys. Rev. B 67, 134504 (2003).
[16] Shiping Feng, Tianxing Ma, and Jihong Qin, Gauge invariant dressed holon and spinon in doped cuprates, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 17, 361 (2003).
[17] Jihong Qin, Yun Song, Shiping Feng, and Wei Yeu Chen, Optical and transport properties in doped two-leg ladder antiferromagnet, Phys. Rev. B 65, 155117 (2002).