- 所在梯队:调和分析与小波应用
- 办公地点:理学楼209
- 本科生课程:微积分、图像处理中的数学方法
- 研究生课程:小波分析及其应用
- 研究领域:研究领域主要涉及与数据处理有关的数学理论与方法,以及统计方法与理论的研究,包括:图像处理中的数学或统计方法与理论;高维数据分析的统计方法与理论;Bayesian统计理论;非凸非光滑优化理论与算法设计。
2008.09-2013.01 北京航空航天大学 应用数学理学博士
2009.06-2009.09 澳大利亚拉筹伯大学 访问
2000.09-2003.04 电竞博彩网 应用数学硕士,论文题目《椭圆曲线加密算法研究》
2003.04-至今 电竞博彩网数学系
2016.02-2017.02 加拿大阿尔伯塔大学 数学与统计系 访问
1. Qian Chen, Zhengwei Shen, Fan Yang. A two-metric variable scaled forward-backward algorithm for l0
optimization problem and its applications, Numerical Algorithm, submitted, 2022
2. Fan Yan, Zhengwei Shen, Sequential Stochastic Subspace methods to high-dimensional model selection problems, Information Science, submitted, 2022
3. Zhengwei Shen, Qian Chen, A generic exact convex relaxation framework forl_0 sparsity-induced problems. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, accepted, 2022
4. Qian Chen, Zhengwei Shen ∗, Zhe Chen A penalty function semi-continuous thresholding methods for constraints of hashing problems, J. Vis. Commun. Image R. 87 (2022) 103552
5. Zhengwei Shen Non-convex nonlocal adaptive tight frame image deblurring. IET image processing 16(7): 1908-1923, 2022
6. Guo, J., Chen, H., Shen, Z. et al. Image denoising based on global image similar patches searching and HOSVD to patches tensor. EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process. 2022, 19 (2022).
7. Zhang Tao, Shen zhengwei, A fundamental proof of convergence of alternating direction method of multipliers for weakly convex optimization Journal of inequality and its applications, 1(128), 2019
8. Zhengwei Shen, Huitong Sun, Iterative adaptive nonconvex low-rank tensor approximation to image restoration based on ADMM, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 61(5): 627-642, 2019
9. Zhengwei Shen, Lishuang Cheng, "Convex composite wavelet frame and total variation-based image deblurring using nonconvex penalty functions," J. Electron. Imaging 26(5), 053005 (2017)
10. Rodion Movchan, Zhengwei Shen, Adaptive thresholding HOSVD algorithm with iterative regularization for image denoising, IEEE International Conference Image Processing(ICIP 2017)
11. F.F.Lai, Z.W.Shen, H.Wen, J.L. Chen, X.Zhang, P. Lin, D.Li, Yin, H.Q. Cui, X.G. Chen, A Morphological identification cell cytotoxicity assay using cytoplasm-localized fluorescent probe (CLFP) to distinguish living and dead cells, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication, 482(2017), 257-263.
12. Y.Y.Long, Z.W.Shen, Stabilization of coupled ODE-PDE system with intermediate point and spatially varying effects interconnection, Asian Journal of Control, 19(3), 1060-1074, May 2017 .