


[email protected]

  • 职 务:系副书记
  • 所在梯队:量子信息与计算
  • 办公地点:方兴大厦609
  • 本科生课程:微积分、工科数分、数学分析BI、文科数学
  • 研究生课程:量子信息处理
  • 研究领域:固态量子信息处理等相关理论; 矩阵分解与量子计算的优化; 量子系统退相干和抗噪声能力等


2019.12-2021.01  新加坡国立大学 量子技术中心(CQT) 访学

2013.07-2015.06 清华大学 博士后

2010.09-2013.06 北京师范大学 获理学博士学位

2006.09-2009.06 江苏师范大学 获理学硕士学位


2021.07-至今 电竞博彩网 dota2博彩 教授
2015.07-2021.06 电竞博彩网 dota2博彩 副教授



自2008年以来,在Physical Review Applied,Physical Review A,Optics Express,New Journal of Physics,Frontiers of Physics,Annalen der Physik,Advanced Quantum Technologies等杂志发表SCI学术论文60余篇。部分论文列表如下:

[1] Wen-Qiang Liu* and Hai-Rui Wei*, “Quantum gate teleportation with the superposition of causal order,” Physical Review Applied 刊印中 2024. (SCI)

[2] Gui-Long Jiang, Jun-Bin Yuan, Wen-Qiang Liu, and Hai-Rui Wei*, “Efficient and deterministic high-dimensional controlled-swap gates on hybrid linear optical systems with high fidelity,”Physical Review Applied 21(1): 014001 (2024). (SCI)

[3] Wen-Xiu Zhang, Guo-Zhu Song, and Hai-Rui Wei*, “The simplified quantum circuits for implementing quantum teleportation,” Annalen der Physik 536 (10): 2400231 (2024). (SCI)

[4] Huan-Chao Gao, Guo-Zhu Song, and Hai-Rui Wei*, “Improved entanglement-based high-dimensional optical quantum computation with linear optics,” Annalen der Physik 536(10): 2400144 (2024). (SCI)

[5] Gui-Long Jiang, Wen-Qiang Liu, and Hai-Rui Wei*, “Optimal quantum circuits for general multi-qutrit quantum computation,” Advanced Quantum Technologies 7 (7): 2400033 (2024). (SCI)

[6] Gui-Long Jiang, Wen-Qiang Liu, and Hai-Rui Wei*, “Practically enhanced hyperentanglement concentration for polarization-spatial hyperentangled Bell states with linear optics and common single-photon detectors,” Physical Review Applied 19 (3): 034044 (2023). (SCI)

[7] Wen-Qiang Liu and Hai-Rui Wei*, “Linear optical universal quantum gates with higher success probabilities,” Advanced Quantum Technologies 6(5): 2300009 (2023). (SCI)

[8] Gui-Long Jiang, Wen-Qiang Liu, and Hai-Rui Wei*, “Heralded and high-efficient entanglement concentrations based on linear optics assisted by time-delay degree of freedom,” Optics Express 30 (26): 47836 (2022). (SCI)

[9] Xin-Jie Zhou, Wen-Qiang Liu, Hai-Rui Wei*, and Yan-Bei Zheng, Fang-Fang Du, “Deterministic and complete hyperentangled Bell states analysis assisted by frequency and time interval degrees of freedom,” Frontiers of Physics 17(5): 41502 (2022). (SCI)

[10] Wen-Qiang Liu, Hai-Rui Wei*, and Leong-Chuan Kwek, “Universal quantum multi-qubit entangling gates with auxiliary spaces,” Advanced Quantum Technologies 5(5): 2100136 (2022). (SCI)

[11] Gui-Long Jiang, Hai-Rui Wei*, Guo-Zhu Song, and Ming Hua, “Synthesis and upper bound of Schmidt rank of bipartite controlled-unitary gates,”Annalen der Physik 534 (11): 2200317 (2022). (SCI)

[12] Xin-Jie Zhou, Wen-Qiang Liu, Yan-Bei Zheng, Hai-Rui Wei*, and Fang-Fang Du, “Complete hyperentangled Bell states analysis for polarization-spatial-time-bin degrees of freedom with unity fidelity,” Annalen der Physik 534(4): 2100509 (2022). (SCI)

[13] Guan-Yu Wang, and Hai-Rui Wei*, “High-fidelity photonic three-degree-of-freedom hyperparallel controlled-phase-flip gate,” Frontiers in Physics 10: 960078 (2022). (SCI)

[14] Wen-Qiang Liu, Xin-Jie Zhou, and Hai-Rui Wei*, “Collective unitary evolution with linear optics by Cartan decomposition,” EPL 136(6): 60001 (2021). (SCI)

[15] Yan-Bei Zheng, Hai-Rui Wei*, Fang-Fang Du, and Guo-Zhu Song, “Schemes for fusing photonic W-state simultaneously without qubit loss via weak cross-Kerr nonlinearities,” Quantum Information Processing 20 (8): 273 (2021). (SCI)

[16] Wen-Qiang Liu, Hai-Rui Wei*, and Leong-Chuan Kwek, “Low-cost Fredkin gate using auxiliary space,” Physical Review Applied 14 (5): 054057 (2020). (SCI)

[17] Hai-Rui Wei*, Wen-Qiang Liu, and Leong-Chuan Kwek, “Efficient fusion of photonic W-states with nonunitary partial-swap gates,” New Journal of Physics 22(9): 093051 (2020). (SCI)

[18] Wen-Qiang Liu and Hai-Rui Wei*, “Optimal synthesis of Fredkin gate in a multilevel system,” New Journal of Physics 22(6): 063026 (2020). (SCI)

[19] Hai-Rui Wei*, Wen-Qiang Liu, and Ning-Yang Chen, “Implementing two-photon three-degree-of-freedom hyper-parallel controlled phase flip gate through cavity-assisted interactions,” Annalen der Physik,532(4): 1900578 (2020). (SCI)

[20] Hai-Rui Wei*, Yan-Bei Zheng, Ming Hua, and Guo-Fu Xu, “Robust-fidelity hyperparallel controlled-phase-flip gate through microcavities,” Applied Physics Express 13 (8): 082007 (2020). (SCI)

[21] Wen-Qiang Liu and Hai-Rui Wei*, “Implementations of more general solid-state (SWAP)1/m and controlled-(swap)1/m gates,” New Journal of Physics 21(10): 103018 (2019). (SCI)

[22] Ji-Zhen Liu, Ning-Yang Chen, Wen-Qiang Liu, Hai-Rui Wei*, and Ming Hua, “Hyperparallel transistor, router and dynamic random access memory with unity fidelities,” Optics Express 27(15): 21380 (2019). (SCI)

[23] Hai-Rui Wei*, Ning-Yang Chen, and Ji-Zhen Liu, “Heralded universal quantum gate and entangler assisted by imperfect double-sided quantum-dot-microcavity systems,” Annalen der Physik, 530(8): 1800071 (2018). (SCI)

[24] Ji-Zhen Liu, Hai-Rui Wei*, and Ning-Yang Chen, “A heralded and error-rejecting three-photon hyper-parallel quantum gate through cavity-assisted interactions,” Scientific Reports 8: 1885 (2018). (SCI)

[25] Hai-Rui Wei*, Ahmed Alsaedi, Aatef Hobiny, Fu-Guo Deng, Hui Hu, and Dun Zhang, “Optimal Synthesis of the Joint Unitary Evolutions,” International Journal of Theoretical Physics 57(7): 1942 (2018). (SCI)

[26] Hai-Rui Wei* and Ji-Zhen Liu, “Deterministic implementations of single-photon multi-qubit Deutsch-Jozsa algorithms with linear optics,” Annals of Physics 377: 38 (2017). (SCI)

[27] Hai-Rui Wei*, Fu-Guo Deng and Gui-Lu Long, “Hyper-parallel Toffoli gate on three-photon system with two degrees of freedom assisted by single-sided optical microcavities,” Optics Express 24(16): 18619 (2016). (SCI)

[28] Hai-Rui Wei* and Pei-Jin Zhu, “Implementations of two-photon four-qubit Toffoli and Fredkin gates assisted by nitrogen-vacancy centers,” Scientific Reports 6: 35529 (2016). (SCI)

[29] Hai-Rui Wei* and Fu-Guo Deng, “Robust deterministic quantum computation of quantum-dot spins inside microcavities based on parity-check building blocks,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B 33(4): 804 (2016). (SCI)

[30] Hai-Rui Wei and Gui-Lu Long*, “Universal photonic quantum gates assisted by ancilla diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers coupled to resonators,” Physical Review A 91(3): 032324 (2015). (SCI)

[31] Yao-Min Di* and Hai-Rui Wei, “Optimal synthesis of multivalued quantum circuits,” Physical Review A 92(6): 062317 (2015). (SCI)

[32] Hai-Rui Wei and Gui Lu Long*, “Hybrid quantum gates between flying photon and diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers assisted by optical microcavities,” Scientific Reports 5: 12918 (2015). (SCI)

[33] Hai-Rui Wei and Fu-Guo Deng*, “Compact implementation of the (SWAP)a gate on diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers coupled to resonators,” Quantum Information Processing 14(2): 465 (2015). (SCI)

[34] Yao-Min Di*, Hai-Rui Wei, Ya Cao, Li Liu, and Chun-Hong Zhou, “Entangling capability of multivalued bipartite gates and optimal preparation of multivalued bipartite quantum states,” Quantum Information Processing 14(6): 1997 (2015). (SCI)

[35] Hai-Rui Wei and Fu-Guo Deng*, “Universal quantum gates on electron-spin qubits with quantum dots inside single-side optical microcavities,” Optics Express 22(1): 593 (2014). (SCI)

[34] Hai-Rui Wei and Fu-Guo Deng*, “Scalable quantum computing based on stationary spin qubits in coupled quantum dots inside double-sided optical microcavities,” Scientific Reports 4: 7551 (2014). (SCI)

[37] Hai-Rui Wei and Fu-Guo Deng*, “Universal quantum gates for hybrid systems assisted by quantum dots inside double-sided optical microcavities,” Physical Review A 87(2): 022305 (2013). (SCI)

[38] Hai-Rui Wei and Fu-Guo Deng*, “Compact quantum gates on electron-spin qubits assisted by diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers inside cavities,” Physical Review A 88(4): 042323 (2013). (SCI)

[39] Yao-Min Di* and Hai-Rui Wei, “Synthesis of multivalued quantum logic circuits by elementary gates,” Physical Review A 87(1): 012325 (2013). (SCI)

[40] Hai-Rui Wei and Fu-Guo Deng*, “Scalable photonic quantum computing assisted by quantum-dot spin in double-sided optical microcavity,” Optics Express 21(15): 17671 (2013). (SCI)

[41] Hai-Rui Wei, Bao-Cang Ren, and Fu-Guo Deng*, “Geometric measure of quantum discord for a two-parameter class of states in a qubit-qutrit system under various dissipative channels,” Quantum Information Processing 12 (2): 1109 (2013). (SCI)

[42] Hai-Rui Wei, Bao-Cang Ren, Mei Zhang, Tao Li, and Fu-Guo Deng*, “Complete deterministic analyzer for multi-electron Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states assisted by double-side optical microcavities,” International Journal of Theoretical Physics 52(11): 4045 (2013). (SCI)

[43] Hai-Rui Wei and Yao-Min Di*, “Decomposition of orthogonal matrix and synthesis of two-qubit and three-qubit orthogonal gates,” Quantum Information & Computation 12(3&4): 262 (2012). (SCI)

[44] Hai-Rui Wei, Bao-Cang Ren, Tao Li, Ming Hua, and Fu-Guo Deng*, “Dynamics of entanglement for a two-parameter class of states in a qubit-qutrit system,” Communications in Theoretical Physics 57(6): 983-990 (2012). (SCI)

[45] Hai-Rui Wei, Yao-min Di*, Yan Wang, and Jie Zhang, “Note on implementation of three-qubit SWAP gate,” Communications in Theoretical Physics 53(1): 78 (2010). (SCI)

[46] Hai-Rui Wei, Yao-min Di*, Yan Wang, “Synthesis of some three-qubit gates and their implementation in a three spins system coupled with Ising interaction,” Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 53(4): 664 (2010). (SCI)

[47] Hai-Rui Wei, Yao-min Di*, Jie Zhang, “Modified Khaneja-Glaser decomposition and realization of three-qubit quantum gate,” Chinese Physics Letters 25(9): 3107 (2008). (SCI)




1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 辅助高维空间量子信息处理的若干优化问题研究(项目批准号:62371038), 2024-2027 主持

2. 中央高校基本科研业务费, 消耗辅助自由度量子计算的优化(项目批准号: FRF-TP-19-011A3), 2019-2021主持

3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金, 多光子多自由度超并行拒错量子计算研究(项目批准号: 11604012), 2017-2019, 主持

4. 国家自然科学基金应急管理类, 基于人工原子优化量子计算和量子算法的研究(项目批准号: 11547138), 2016-2016, 主持

5. 人事处基础科研业务费, 基于人工原子与光学微腔体系的量子信息处理, 2015-2018, 主持

6. 中国博士后科学基金第55批面上资助 (项目批准号: 2014M550703), 2014-2015, 主持


2020年 电竞博彩网 优秀硕士学位论文 指导教师

2017-2018 电竞博彩网 先进工作者

2018年 电竞博彩网 优秀硕士学位论文 指导教师

2014年 北京师范大学 优秀博士学位论文

2009年 徐州师范大学 优秀硕士学位论文



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