- 所在梯队:理论物理
- 办公地点:化生楼409
- 本科生课程:力学与热学;大学物理;数据库原理(双语);凝聚态物理导论
- 研究领域:超冷原子气体的理论研究低维强关联系统量子信息与量子计算第一性原理计算
固态量子信息处理中的位相、逻辑门和纠错探讨, NSFC Grant No. 10774095 (2008.1-2010.12);两组分一维玻色多体系统的理论研究, NSFC Grant No. 10847105 (2009.1-2009.12);强相互作用的低维旋量玻色量子气体的理论研究,NSFC Grant No. 11004007 (2011.1-2013.12);另有多项校基金项目。
1. Xiaochen Fu and Yajiang Hao, “Reduced one-body density matrix of Tonks Girardeau gas at finite temperature”, Chin. Phys. B. 24, 090501 (2015).
2. Yajiang Hao, Ludger Inhester, Kota Hanasaki, Sang-Kil Son, and Robin Santra,“Efficient electronic structure calculation for molecular ionization dynamics at high x-ray intensity”,Structural Dynamics 2, 041707 (2015).
3. Hanlei Zheng, Yajiang Hao, and Qiang Gu, “Dynamics of double-well Bose–Einstein condensates subject to external Gaussian white noise”, J. Phys. B 46, 065301 (2013).
4. Hanlei Zheng, Yajiang Hao, and Qiang Gu, “Dissipation effect in the double-well Bose-Einstein condensate”, Eur. Phys. J. D 66, 320 (2012).
5. Yajiang Hao and Shu Chen, “Dynamical properties of hard-core anyons in one-dimensional optical lattices”, Phys. Rev. A 86, 043631 (2012).
6. Hongmei Wang, Yajiang Hao and Yunbo Zhang, “Density-functional theory for one-dimensional harmonically trapped Bose-Fermi mixture”, Phys. Rev. A 85, 053630 (2012).
7. Yajiang Hao, “Ground-state Density Profiles of One-Dimensional Bose Gases with Anisotropic Transversal Confinement”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 28, 070501 (2011).
8. Yajiang Hao and Xiangguo Yin, “Yang-Yang Thermodynamics of One-Dimensional Bose Gases with Anisotropic Transversal Confinement”, Chin. Phys. B. 20, 090501 (2011).
9. Yajiang Hao, “Composite-Fermionization of the Mixture Composed of Tonks Gas and Fermi Gas”, Chin. Phys. B 20, 060307 (2011).
10.Yajiang Hao, Hongli Guo, Yunbo Zhang and Shu Chen, “The lowest scattering state of one-dimensional Bose gas with attractive interactions”, Phys. Rev. A, 83, 053632 (2011).
11.Yajiang Hao and Qiang Gu, “Dynamics of two-component Bose-Einstein condensates coupled with environment”, Phys. Rev. A, 83, 043620 (2011).
12.Yajiang Hao, “Ground State Density Distribution of Bose-Fermi Mixture in a One-Dimensional Harmonic Trap”, Chin. Phys. Lett 28, 010302 (2011).
13.Yajiang Hao and Shu Chen, “Density-functional theory of two-component Bose gases in one-dimensional harmonic traps”,Phys. Rev. A, 80, 043608 (2009).
14.Yajiang Hao, Yunbo Zhang and Shu Chen, “Ground-state properties of hard-core anyons in one-dimensional optical lattices”,Phys. Rev. A, 79, 043633 (2009).
15.Yajiang Hao, Yunbo Zhang, Xi-Wen Guan and Shu Chen, “Ground-state properties of interacting two-component Bose gases in a Hard-Wall trap”, Phys. Rev. A. 79,033607 (2009).
16.Yajiang Hao and Shu Chen, “Ground-state properties of interacting two-component Bose gases in a one-dimensional harmonic trap”, Eur. Phys. J. D 51, 261 (2009).Yajiang Hao, Yunbo Zhang and Shu Chen, “Ground-state properties of one-dimensional anyon gases”,Phys. Rev. A, 78, 023631 (2008).
17.Yajiang Hao, Yunbo Zhang and Shu Chen, “One-dimensional fermionic gases with attractive p-wave interaction in a hard-wall trap”, Phys. Rev. A. 76,063601 (2007).
18.Yajiang Hao, Yunbo Zhang, Jiuqing Liang and Shu Chen, “Phase separation in the trapped spinor gases with anisotropic spin-spin interaction”, Eur. Phys. J. D 44, 541 (2007).
19.Yajiang Hao, Yunbo Zhang, Jiuqing Liang, and Shu Chen, Ground state properties of one-dimensional ultracold Bose gases in a hard-wall trap, Phys. Rev. A 73, 063617 (2006).
20.Yajiang Hao, Yunbo Zhang, Jiuqing Liang, and Shu Chen, Density distributions for one-dimensional spinor gases, Phys. Rev. A 73,053605 (2006).Yajiang Hao, Jiuqing Liang, Entanglement dynamics in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates, Chinese Physics, 15, 1161 (2006).
21.Yajiang Hao, Jiuqing Liang, Yubo Zhang, Numerical simulation on tunnel splitting of Bose-Einstein condensate in multi-well potentials, Eur. Phys. J. D 36, 33 (2005).
22.Li Wang, Yajiang Hao and Shu Chen, “Preparation of stable excited states in an optical lattice via sudden quantum quench”, Phys. Rev. A 81, 063637 (2010).
23.Shu Chen, Liming Guan, Xiangguo Yin, Yajiang Hao, and Xi-Wen Guan, Transition from a Tonks-Girardeau gas to a super-Tonks-Girardeau gas as an exact many-body dynamics problem, Phys. Rev. A 81, 031609(R) (2010).
24.Hongli Guo, Yajiang Hao and Shu Chen, “Quantum entanglement of particles on a ring with fractional statistics”,Phys. Rev. A. 80,052332 (2009).
25.Xiangguo Yin, Yajiang Hao, Yunbo Zhang and Shu Chen, “Ground-state properties of few-Boson system in a one-dimensional hard wall split potential”, Phys. Rev. A. 78,013604 (2008).
26.Shu Chen, Li Wang, Yajiang Hao and Yupeng Wang,“Intrinsic relation between ground state fidelity and the characterization of a quantum phase transition”,Phys. Rev. A, 77,032111 (2008).
27.Li Wang, Yajiang Hao and Shu Chen, “Quantum dynamics of repulsively bound atom pairs in the Bose-Hubbard mode”, Eur. Phys. J. D, 48, 229 (2008).