- 所在梯队:光电功能材料及其器件梯队
- 办公地点:理化楼234
- 本科生课程:工科物理、大学物理实验、光信息技术实验
- 研究领域:基于光学、电学方法的材料性质表征与性能调控。低维电子材料的可控制备,及其与光、电、磁、气氛、温度、应力等的相互作用机制。
2008-2014 清华大学 凝聚态物理专业 博士
2004-2008 兰州大学 物理学专业 本科
2016-2018 清华大学 博士后
2014-2016 中国工程物理研究院 助理研究员
1. Optical erasable bipolar resistive switching on TiO2 film in nanoscale
Y. H. Wang, Z. Q. He, X. B. Lai, B. Y. Liu, Y. B. Chen, L. W. Zhang and F. P. Wang
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 873, 159809 (2021)
2. UV illumination enhanced desorption of oxygen molecules from monolayer MoS2 surface
Y. H. Wang, Z. Q. He, J. B. Zhang, H. Liu, X. B. Lai, B. Y. Liu, Y. B. Chen, F. P. Wang and L. W. Zhang
Nano Research 13, 2, 358(2020).
3. Direct observation of the hysteretic Fermi level modulation in monolayer MoS2 field effect transistors
Y. H. Wang, D. Y. Li, X. B. Lai, B. Y. Liu, Y. B. Chen, F. P. Wang, R. M. Wang and L. W. Zhang
Current Applied Physics 20, 2, 298 (2020).
4. UV-induced desorption of oxygen at the TiO2 surface for highly sensitive room temperature O2 sensing
Y. H. Wang, X. B. Lai, B. Y. Liu, Y. B. Chen, Y. Z. Lu, F. P. Wang and L. W. Zhang
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 793, 583 (2019).
5. Non-destructive photovoltaic reading of interface type memristors using graphene as transparent electrode
Y. H. Wang, L. Y. Wu, G. D. Liu and L. X. Liu
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 740, 273 (2018).
6. Controllable resistive switching in Au/Nb:SrTiO3 microscopic Schottky junctions
Y. H. Wang, X. L. Shi, K. H. Zhao, G. L. Xie, S. Y. Huang and L. W. Zhang
Applied Surface Science 364, 718 (2016).
7. Fabricating Ohmic contact on Nb-doped SrTiO3 surface in nanoscale
Y. H. Wang, X. L. Shi, X. B. Lai, Z.P.Gao, L.X.Liu, Y.Wang, W.J.Zhu, C.M.Meng, L. W. Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 108, 192102 (2016).
8. Mechanical writing of n-type conductive layers on the SrTiO3 surface in nanoscale
Y. H. Wang, K. H. Zhao, X. L. Shi, G. Li, G. L. Xie, X. B. Lai, J. Ni and L. W. Zhang
Scientific Reports 5, 10841 (2015).
9. Investigation of the resistance switching in Au/SrTiO3:Nb heterojunctions
Y. H. Wang, K. H. Zhao, X. L. Shi, G. L. Xie, S. Y. Huang and L. W. Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 103, 031601 (2013).
10. Optimizing the quality and manufacture of nanocircuits
L. W. Zhang and Y. H. Wang
SPIE Newsroom DOI: 10.1117/2.1201508.006080
1. 2022-2024 横向项目,30万元,主持;
2. 2022-2022 横向项目,17万元,主持;
3. 2020-2022 低维量子物理国家重点实验室开放课题,主持;
4. 2019-2020 中央高校基本科研业务费,主持;
5. 2017-2018 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,主持;
6. 2017-2018 微弱信号感测材料与器件集成协同创新中心开放课题,主持;
2021.03 电竞博彩网青年教师教学基本功比赛 优秀奖。