2006.9~2010.6 昆明理工大学 机电工程学院 机械工程及自动化专业 工学学士
2011.9~2016.6 电竞博彩网 dota2博彩 固体力学专业 工学博士(硕博连读)
2016.7~2018.7 北京大学 工学院 力学系 博士后科研流动站博雅博士后
2018.8~2024.8 电竞博彩网 dota2博彩 应用数学系 讲师
2024.9~至今 电竞博彩网 dota2博彩 应用数学系 副教授
[1]. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(52474123), 高应力岩体中爆破卸荷应力波的波动场可视化及其协同破岩机制, 2025/01/01-2028/12/31, 48万, 参与
[2]. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(12202039), 表界面效应影响压电半导体层状复合结构中弹性波频散机理研究, 2023/01/01-2025/12/31, 30万, 主持
[3]. 2021年电竞博彩网青年教师学科交叉研究项目(FRF-IDRY-21-006), 深部高应力岩体中爆炸应力波与卸荷应力波的可视化与致裂机理研究, 2022/01/01-2023/12/31, 10万, 联合主持
[4]. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(12072022), 基于时空分数阶微分的广义热粘弹性波传播研究, 2021/01/01-2024/12/31, 62万, 参与
[5]. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目(FRF-TP-18-077A1), 弹性波在层状压电半导体结构传播, 2018/12/01-2020/11/30, 10万, 主持
[6]. 2017年“博士后国际交流计划”学术交流项目(第二批), 2017/07/24-2017/07/30, 3万, 主持
[7]. 北京大学博雅博士后项目(第一批, 理工科组), 弹性波在压电声子晶体和声学超材料中的传播, 2016/07-2018/06, 20万, 主持
[8]. 中国博士后科学基金第60批面上资助项目(No.2016M600860), 弹性波在二维和三维压电声子晶体中的传播, 2016/07-2018/06, 5万, 主持
[1]. Xiao Guo, Chenxi Ding✉, Peijun Wei, Renshu Yang, Haibin Yang. Theoretical analysis of the scattering characteristics of blasting stress waves at an arc-shaped interface crack in a deep rock mass with high in-situ stress. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 307 (2024) 110280.
[2]. Xiao Guo✉, Yilin Wang, Chunyu Xu, Zibo Wei, Chenxi Ding. Influence of Homo- and Hetero-Junctions on the Propagation Characteristics of Love Waves in a Piezoelectric Semiconductor Semi-Infinite Medium. Mathematics 2024, 12, 1075.
[3]. Xiao Guo, Chenxi Ding✉, Peijun Wei, Renshu Yang. Theoretical analysis of the interaction between blasting stress wave and linear interface crack under high in-situ stress in deep rock mass. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 176 (2024) 105723.
[4]. Xiao Guo✉, Yilin Wang, Chunyu Xu, Zibo Wei, Chenxi Ding. Influence of the Schottky Junction on the Propagation Characteristics of Shear Horizontal Waves in a Piezoelectric Semiconductor Semi-Infinite Medium. Mathematics 2024, 12, 560.
[5]. Xiao Guo✉, Yilin Wang, Chunyu Xu, Zibo Wei, Chenxi Ding. Influence of Homo- and Hetero-Junctions on the Propagation Characteristics of Radially Propagated Cylindrical Surface Acoustic Waves in a Piezoelectric Semiconductor Semi-Infinite Medium. Mathematics. 2024, 12, 145.
[6]. Chenxi Ding, Renshu Yang, Xiao Guo✉, Zhe Sui, Chenglong Xiao, Liyun Yang. Effects of the initiation position on the damage and fracture characteristics of linear-charge blasting in rock. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials. 31 (2024) 443-451.
[7]. Man Lan, Xiao Guo✉, Li Li. Effects of homojunction on the reflected and transmitted waves at the interface between two thermoelastic semiconductor half spaces. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 110 (2022) 61-77.
[8]. Xiao Guo✉, Peijun Wei, Mingxiu Xu, Man Lan. Dispersion relations of anti-plane elastic waves in micro-scale one dimensional piezoelectric semiconductor phononic crystals with the consideration of interface effect. Mechanics of Materials 161 (2021) 104000.
[9]. Xiao Guo✉, Peijun Wei. Dispersion relations of in-plane elastic waves in nano-scale one dimensional piezoelectric semiconductor/piezoelectric dielectric phononic crystal with the consideration of interface effect. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 96 (2021) 189-214.
[10]. Xiao Guo✉, Songsong Ji, Huan Liu, Ke Ren. Dispersion relations of elastic waves in three-dimensional cubical piezoelectric phononic crystal with initial stresses and mechanically and dielectrically imperfect interfaces. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 69 (2019) 405-424.
[11]. Xiao Guo, Huan Liu, Kai Zhang, Huiling Duan✉. Dispersion relations of elastic waves in two-dimensional tessellated piezoelectric phononic crystals. Applied Mathematical Modelling 56 (2018) 65-82.
[12]. Xiao Guo, Peijun Wei✉, Li Li, Man Lan. Effects of functionally graded interlayers on dispersion relations of shear horizontal waves in layered piezoelectric/piezomagnetic cylinders. Applied Mathematical Modelling 55 (2018) 569-582.
[13]. Xiao Guo, Peijun Wei✉, Man Lan, Li Li. Dispersion relations of elastic waves in one-dimensional piezoelectric/piezomagnetic phononic crystal with functionally graded interlayers. Ultrasonics, 70 (2016), 158-171.
[14]. Xiao Guo, Peijun Wei✉. Dispersion relations of elastic waves in one-dimensional piezoelectric/piezomagnetic phononic crystal with initial stresses. Ultrasonics, 66 (2016), 72-85.
[15]. Xiao Guo, Peijun Wei✉. Dispersion relations of elastic waves in one-dimensional piezoelectric phononic crystal with initial stresses. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 106 (2016), 231-244.
[16]. Xiao Guo, Peijun Wei✉, Li Li. Dispersion relations of elastic waves in one-dimensional piezoelectric phononic crystal with mechanically and dielectrically imperfect interfaces. Mechanics of Materials, 93 (2016), 168-183.
[17]. Xiao Guo, Peijun Wei✉, Li Li, Qiheng Tang. Influences of mechanically and dielectrically imperfect interfaces on the reflection and transmission waves between two piezoelectric half spaces. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 63 (2015), 184-205.
[18]. Xiao Guo, Peijun Wei✉. Effects of initial stress on the reflection and transmission waves at the interface between two piezoelectric half spaces. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 51 (2014), 3735-3751.
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