- 所在梯队:偏微分方程理论及其应用梯队
- 办公地点:理学楼208
- 研究领域:血流动力学、靶向药物治疗。研究总体上侧重于数学知识在医学诊断和治疗中的应用,主要和心血管专科医院合作从事医工交叉研究,聚焦主动脉瘤、主动脉夹层等心血管疾病的成因,优化支架治疗、靶向药物治疗的手术方案,为个性化诊疗奠定理论基础。研究的手段包括理论建模、数值模拟、图像分割、体外循环实验、机器学习等。
2017.09-2021.06 电竞博彩网能源与环境工程学院,动力工程与工程热物理,工学博士
2016.09-2017.06 dota2博彩-电竞博彩网
2021.07-至今 dota2博彩-电竞博彩网
2021.06-至今 dota2博彩-电竞博彩网
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2023.01-2025.12,主持;
2. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目,2022.11-2024.11,主持;
3. 电竞博彩网青年教师交叉学科培育项目,2022.05-2024.05,主持;
4. 电竞博彩网青年教师国际交流成长计划,2022.10-2024.10,主持;
5. 中央高校基础科研项目,2021.7-2024.12,主持;
6. 中国医学科学院临床与转化医学研究基金重点项目,2021.01-2022.12,参与;
7. 中国医学科学院阜外医院高水平医院临床科研项目,2022.01-2024.12,参与。
1. Xuelan Zhang, Yue Che, Liancun Zheng, Chang Shu. Optimization and decision-making of novel laser-induced thermal therapy for deep-lying tumor based on multi-objective genetic algorithm and three-way decisions method[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 104(2022)682-700.
2. Xuelan Zhang, Mingyao Luo, Kun Fang, Jiehua Li, Yuan Peng, Liancun Zheng, Chang Shu, Application of 3D Curvature and Torsion in Evaluating Aortic Tortuosity. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 95(2021)105619.
3. Xuelan Zhang, Liancun Zheng, Suleiman Kheder, Chang Shu, Combined cryosurgery and cold-responsive drug-loaded nanoparticles to enhance deep-lying tumor therapy: A mathematical model. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 165(2021)120663.
4. Xuelan Zhang, Erhui Wang, Lianxi Ma, Chang Shu, Liancun Zheng, Analysis of hemodynamics and heat transfer of nanoparticle-injected atherosclerotic patient: Considering the drag force and slip between phases of different particle shapes and volume fractions, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 159(2021)106637.
5. Xuelan Zhang, Liancun Zheng, Mingyao Luo, Chang Shu, Erhui Wang, Evaluation of stent-graft implantations for intramural hematoma based on fluid-solid interaction analysis, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 180(2020)105664.
6. Xuelan Zhang, Mingyao Luo, Peilai Tan, Liancun Zheng, Chang Shu, Magnetic nanoparticle drug targeting to patient-specific atherosclerosis: effects of magnetic field intensity and configuration, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 41(2)(2020)349-360. SCI IF: 2.017.
7. Xuelan Zhang, Mingyao Luo, Kun Fang, Jiehua Li, Yuan Peng, Liancun Zheng, Chang Shu, Analysis of the formation mechanism and occurrence possibility of Post-Stenotic Dilatation of the aorta by CFD approach, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 194 (2020) 105522.
8. Xuelan Zhang, Mingyao Luo, Erhui Wang, Liancun Zheng, Chang Shu, Numerical simulation of magnetic nano drug targeting to atherosclerosis: Effect of plaque morphology (stenosis degree and shoulder length), Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 195(2020)105556.
9. Xuelan Zhang, Liancun Zheng, Erhui Wang, Chang Shu, Numerical investigations of temperature and hemodynamics in carotid arteries with and without atherosclerotic plaque during open surgery. Journal of Thermal Biology, 91 (2020)102622.
10. Xuelan Zhang, Liancun Zheng, Mingyao Luo, Chang Shu, Erhui Wang, Evaluation of particle shape, size andmagnetic field intensity for targeted delivery efficiency and plaque injury in treating atherosclerosis. Powder Technology, 366(2020)63-72.
11. Xuelan Zhang, Mingyao Luo, Liancun Zheng, Chang Shu, Effects of Plaque Calcification Degree and Drug-loaded Nanoparticle Property on Targeted Therapy for Atherosclerosis. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 126(2020)17.
12. Xuelan Zhang, Mingyao Luo, Liancun Zheng, Chang Shu, Effects of Temperature, Hematocrit and Perfusion Flow Rate on Carotid Hemodynamics during Extracorporeal Circulation. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 127(2020)62.
13. Xuelan Zhang, Liancun Zheng, Lin Liu, Xinxin Zhang, Modeling and Simulation on Heat Transfer in Blood Vessels Subject to a Transient Laser Irradiation, Journal of Heat Transfer, 1423(2020).
一种基于微分几何的主动脉扭曲的评估方法及系统,2021.06.25,中国,ZL 202010919099.0.