2020-2022,电竞博彩网,dota2博彩 ,师资博士后
2023年至今,电竞博彩网,dota2博彩 ,讲师
1. L. Wang, Y. Chen, H. Jiao, Y. Xiao, M. Yang*: Globally maximizing the ratio of two generalized quadratic matrix form functions over the Stiefel manifold. Numerical Algorithms. 2024, to appear.
2. M. Yang, S. Wang*, Y. Xia: Non-quadratic extension of homogeneous S-lemma and its applications in otimization. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization. 19(9), 6826-6834, 2023
3. M. Yang, J. Zheng, Y. Xia*: On the generalized trace ratio problem. Optimization.
72(11), 2721-2737, 2022
4. M. Yang, S. Wang, Y. Xia*: Toward Nonquadratic S-Lemma: New Theory and Application in Nonconvex Optimization. J. Optim. Theory Appl. 194:353–363, 2022
5. Y. Xia, M. Yang, S. Wang*: Chebyshev Center of the Intersection of Balls: Complexity, Relaxation and Approximation. Mathematical Programming. 187:287-315, 2021
6. M. Yang, Y. Xia*: On Lagrangian duality gap of quadratic fractional programming with a two-sided quadratic constraint. Optimization Letters, 14, 569–578, 2020
7. X. Cen, Y. Xia*, M. Yang: Semidefinite relaxation for the total least squares problem with Tikhonov-like regularization. Optimization. 70(2), 1-18, 2020
8. Y. Xia, L. Wang, M. Yang*: A fast algorithm for globally solving Tikhonov regularized total least squares problem. Journal of Global Optimization. 73(2), 311-330, 2019
9. Y. Liu, K. Guo*, M. Yang: Convergence study on the logarithmic-quadratic proximal regularization of strictly contractive Peaceman-Rachford splitting method with larger step-size. International Journal of Computer Mathematics. 97(8), 1-23, 2019
10. M. Yang, Y. Xia*, J. Wang, J. Peng: Efficiently solving total least squares with Tikhonov identical regularization. Computational Optimization and Applications, 70(2), 571-592, 2018
11. Mei-Jia Yang, Yong Xia*, Hui-Min Zou, On linearization techniques for budget-constrained binary quadratic programming problems, Operations Research Letters, 44(6), 702-705, 2016
1. 中国博士后科学基金,非二次S引理的理论与应用,2020.11-2022.11,主持
2. 中央高校基本科研业务费,非凸非二次优化问题的择一性定理及其应用,2020.12-2022.12,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,一致与偏一致非凸二次优化问题的理论与算法,2022.1-2024.12,主持