


[email protected]

  • 职 务:无
  • 所在梯队:理论物理梯队
  • 办公地点:理化楼233
  • 研究领域:冷原子物理


2015.09-2020.06 清华大学,高等研究院,博士
2011.09-2015.07 北京航空航天大学,应用物理系,学士


2022.01-至今 电竞博彩网,dota2博彩 ,博士后
2020.07-2021.12 清华大学,高等研究院,科研助理


1. Yanting Cheng, Shang Liu, Wei Zheng, Pengfei Zhang, Hui Zhai
Tunable Confinement-Deconfinement Transition in an Ultracold Atom Quantum Simulator,
2. Yanting Cheng, Chengshu Li, Hui Zhai Variational Approach to Quantum Spin Liquid in a Rydberg Atom Simulator,arXiv:2112.13688(2021).
3.Yanting Cheng, Zhe-yu Shi Many-body Dynamics with Time-dependent Interaction,Phys. Rev. A 104, 023307 (2021).
4.Yanting Cheng, Xin Chen, Ren Zhang Asymmetric Conductivity as a Manifestation of Kondo Effect in Cold Atom System, Front. Phys. 17(1), 12502 (2021).
5.Yanting Cheng, Chang Liu, Jinkang Guo, Yu Chen, Pengfei Zhang, Hui Zhai Realizing the Hayden-Preskill Protocol with Coupled Dicke Models Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043024 (2020).
6.Ren Zhang, Yanting Cheng, Peng Zhang, Hui Zhai Interaction Control of Ultracold Alkaline-Earth Atoms Nature Reviews Physics, (2020) 2, 213-220.
7.Yanting Cheng, Ren Zhang, Peng Zhang, Hui Zhai Enhancing Kondo Coupling in Alkaline-Earth Atomic Gases with Confinement-induced Resonances in Mixed Dimensions Phys. Rev. A 96, 063605 (2017).
8.Yanting Cheng, Ren Zhang, Peng Zhang, Quantum Defect Theory for Orbital Feshbach Resonance Phys. Rev. A 95, 013624 (2017).
9.Junjun Xu, Ren Zhang, Yanting Cheng, Peng Zhang, Ran Qi, Hui Zhai, Orbital Feshbach Resonance: A ”Wide” Narrow Resonance for Higher Transition Temperature Fermi Superfluid Phys. Rev. A 94, 033609 (2016).
10.Yanting Cheng, Ren Zhang, Peng Zhang, Orbital Feshbach Resonance with Small Energy Gap between Open and Closed Channels, Phys. Rev. A 93, 042708 (2016)
11.Ren Zhang, Deping Zhang, Yanting Cheng, Wei Chen, Peng Zhang, Hui Zhai, Kondo Effect in Alkali-Earth Atomic Gases with Confinement-induced Resonance Phys. Rev. A 93, 043601 (2016).
12.Ren Zhang, Yanting Cheng, Hui Zhai, Peng Zhang, Orbital Feshbach Resonance in Alkali-Earth Atoms Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 135301 (2015)



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