


[email protected]

  • 职 务:无
  • 所在梯队:新型能源材料
  • 办公地点:理化楼234
  • 研究领域:晶体生长、结构与性质研究;极端条件下物质损伤机理相关研究;材料性能多尺度模拟与计算





2020-2023,电竞博彩网,dota2博彩 ,博士后

2024年至今,电竞博彩网,dota2博彩 ,讲师



1.      Tingting Sui*, Haohui Zhuo, Anchun Tang, Xin Ju*. The influence of B4C density on damage threshold based on Monte Carlo method for X-ray reflector. Materials. 17,1026, (2024).

2.      Ruisheng Zheng, Tingting Sui*, Haohui Zhuo, Xin Ju*. Monte Carlo simulation for KDP crystals induced by ultraviolet nanosecond laser irradiation. Optical Materials Express, 2024,14(1):39-50.

3.      Tingting Sui, Liening Wei, Mingxia Xu, Xinguang Xu, Xun Sun and Xin Ju*. First-principles study for the effects of Fe and its cluster defects on laser damage of KDP and ADP crystals. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 35:061002(2023).

4.      Tingting Sui, Junling Li, Chubin Wan, Mingxia Xu, Xun Sun and Xin Ju*. Theoretical calculation and experiment research for structural stability and electronic properties induced by certain cluster defects in ADP crystal. Optical Materials Express, 12(11), 4422-4434(2022).

5.      Tingting Sui, Chubin Wan, Mingxia Xu, Xun Sun, Xinguang Xu, Xin, Ju*. Hybrid density functional theory for the stability and electronic properties of Fe-doped cluster defects in KDP crystal. CrystEngComm, 23,7839-7845(2021).

6.      Tingting Sui, Liening Wei, Yafei Lian, Mingxia Xu, Lisong Zhang, Yanlu Li, Xian Zhao, Xinguang Xu, Xun Sun*. Structural stress and extra optical adsorption induced by the intrinsic cation defects in KDP and ADP crystals: A theoretical study. CrystEngComm, 22, 1962-1969(2020).

7.      Tingting Sui, Liening Wei, Xingzhong Cao, Mingxia Xu, Lisong Zhang, Xian Zhao, Zhenxue Chen, Yanlu Li, Xinguang Xu, Xun Sun*. Comparison of oxygen vacancy and interstitial oxygen in KDP and ADP crystals from density functional theory calculations. Computational Materials Science, 182, 109783(2020).

8.      Tingting Sui, Yafei Lian, Mingxia Xu, Lisong Zhang, Yanlu Li, Xian Zhao, Xinguang Xu, Xun Sun*. Comparison of hydrogen vacancies in KDP and ADP crystals: a combination of density functional theory calculations and experiment. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21(11):6186-6197(2019).

9.      Tingting Sui, Yafei Lian, Mingxia Xu, Lisong Zhang, Yanlu Li*, Xian Zhao, Xun Sun*. Stability and electronic structure of hydrogen vacancies in ADP: hybrid DFT with vdW correction. RSC Advances, 8(13):6931-6939(2018).







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