2008-2012 武汉大学 物理科学与技术学院,学士
2024年至今,电竞博彩网,dota2博彩 ,准聘副教授
1. Xuyang Chang, Corentin Le Gourriérec, Léonard Turpin, Myriam Berny, François Hild, and Stéphane Roux. Proper Generalized Decomposition stereocorrelation to measure kinematic fields for high speed impact on laminated glass, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 415: 116217, 2023.
2. Xuyang Chang, Corentin Le Gourriérec, Francois Hild, and Stéphane Roux. Brightness and contrast corrections for stereocorrelation Global and instantaneous formulation with spatial regularization, Mechanical systems and signal processing, 208:111857,2024.
3. Xuyang Chang, Karine Lavernhe-Taillard, Stéphane Roux, and Olivier Hubert. Three-phase material mapping with incomplete X-ray diffraction spectral information, Journal of Applied Crystallography, 56(3), 2023.
4. Xuyang Chang, Karine Lavernhe-Taillard, and Olivier Hubert. Stochastic multiscale modeling of the thermomechanical behavior of polycrystalline shape memory alloys, Mechanics of Materials, 144(144): 103361,2020.
5. Xuyang Chang and Matthieu Vitse and Stéphane Roux. Buckling of a double sector thin elastic plate: Analytical solution, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 98: 104868, 2023.